...but now I'm back from the temporary oblivion of distraction, revision, and fixing up the house.
Summer is always...well...summer, full of its own set of distractions. Still, YNS (the York Novelists Society) marched on and, with their helpful comments, I've completed the revision of chapters 1-6 in Mindform Ascension and I've recently begun chapters 7-12. I'm revising in blocks because that seems to be the way the story works, with each 6 chapters (was 4--consequences of revision) being a unofficial segment of the story.
I've thought about sending a package out now to agents, but I see enough significant changes in the story coming that I want to finish the complete revision before passing it around to the big boys (and girls). Really want to get this done, though (hopefully by year's end) because I'm itching to start up again on something new--either the Gateway series or Poisonous Garden.
As for what else is happening--I'm planning to start an Open University course on web design shortly, and I'm going to try and get involved in the Creative Networks West Yorkshire group that meets monthly in Leeds--I hope to find someone to work on a fantasy graphic novel project featuring the unlikely hero Strepcard Zork (I'll post more teasers if/when it takes off).
And still debating whether to go to Novacon in Nottingham or SFContario in Toronto this November. Toronto wins, hands down, on location and I'm curious to hear toastmaster Robert J. Sawyer, but I find I'm getting more into the UK SF writing scene and Novacon is going to have a s**t-load of authors attending. Oh well, more when I decide.