STATUS: Just do it. No, really.
Music: When I'm Grandmaster (Wavin' Flag SC Parody) by Temp0
My writing course is almost over now. Just putting the finishing touches on my project due Wednesday. Then I'll be getting back to a new schedule for about a week, until we go on vacation (where we'll be delivering my art to the College of Physicians for their family art show).
I'm getting on to a new schedule regarding work and excercise. The key here will be incorporating the different aspects with each other. As one example, I'll be developing a new website for which I can gather information during exercise walks. And that's another thing I've re-incorporated at a regular pace again: exercise. Due to my various sedintary-life-style-induced stress injuries I make an attempt to do one of a variety of exercises daily. That could range from a walk, to a visit to the gym, or Wii Fit. That latter is very useful for improving the knee after ACL reconstruction (the physio department in the local hospital has recently brought in a Wii Fit for that reason).
In all this, I'll also be returning to my new writing schedule, which I always seem to get sidetracked from as soon as I hit a snag. But that's what the storyboard I'm half-done should help with! If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm trying to get myself out of the routine of routine. But using multiple computers and irregular writing times, I hope to instill the ability to write at anytime, under any condition. Especially important, as my life will be in increasing flux for the next several years, until or if Futura's schooling settles into routine.
I do have some artwork in progress, but that's lower priority for the time being, until I get the rest sorted to where I'm happy with it.
So that's about it for now. Lots of stuff to do, now I just have to get down to it.
Insight and longevity.
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