Sunday, September 30, 2012

Warning: Tongue in Cheek Reviewers on Amazon

'Sup? Just caught a cold from the little one. My throat is on fire :(

Playing on My Life's Soundtrack:  Major by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

Okay, so in the world of the internet it's a well-known rule that you can't take everything you read at face value. At least it should be (and it should be the first question on any future tests for licensing internet users). But I have the sneaking suspicion that most people don't follow that rule much when it comes to product review sites.

When visiting, for example, Amazon, all but the newest products have consumer ratings, presumably by people who have used the product. They are there to gauge customer satisfaction and to allow the potential buyer to guage what the product might be like without actually seeing it in the real. There are some interesting and often useful comments for most products. If I'm looking to buy something off Amazon I'll often read a selection of the 5star, 3star and 1star reviews to get a well-rounded feel for the product. But how often do we just look at the star rating and say 'oh, 4.5 stars, that must be pretty good?', and go no further. Or we see that the 5stars heavily outweight the other ratings so figure it must be good? Often, I suspect.

But are all the reviews real?

Those of you who know me, know I'm a bit of a gamer. Specifically, I enjoy Starcraft II, action-RPGs and MMOs. I also enjoy watching some of the popular gaming channels on Youtube. Today, I was checking out Jeff (MaximusBlack) of the Canadian duo LifesaglitchTV (LAGTV) as he played through a Street Cleaning simulator (yes, that's correct) developed by Astragon and published by Excalibur Publishing. Here's the video if you're interested (warning, some bad language).

I've shown you this video primarily so you can get an idea for yourselves of what the game is like (I also think its very funny, but that could be me). Jeff mentioned that he paid $40CAD for this and I was so surprised I had to check it out.

Now, for anyone looking forward to playing this, it is actually available on Amazon for under £10. But what immediately struck me was the high star ratings for the game. Out of 27 reviews, there were twenty-four 5 stars. Yes, 24! Either there was something greatly missing from Jeff's video, or there was something weird going on with the reviews.

You may have guessed, it was the latter.

 Some of the shorter reviews read like the following:
Don't buy this if you want to have a life for the next three weeks. The most addictive game on the market BAR NONE. Don't want to give too much away as the plot is scintillating from start to finish. At times, I forgot what was reality and what was simulator.

Mr. J. Proudfoot
I enjoyed this a lot, a great way to pass the time while I waited for my operation. I think games like this should be taken more seriously. Very good fun, my only concern was that they did not include Mercedes Benz Econic 1823LL CRC which is my favourite garbage truck.

This is certainly one of the most intense games I have played in quite a while. Not since my ZX81 and "text" adventures have I had so much fun. A mate of mine insists that "Bass Fishing" is better, I disagree ,the man is an idiot. My only small criticism is the lack of strategy guide, I would gladly pay £30+ if one is ever published. Although at least there is Wiki [...]
All of these gave 5-star ratings and are quite clearly tongue in cheek reviews. In fact, the gamer community has reacted with so much sarcasm that there is now a video extolling the 'wonders' of the game (btw it came to gamers' attention when it receive a very rare 'abysmal' rating from Gamespot).

I, personally, don't mind this. I think it's a very creative response by the gamer community. However, it's important to be aware that this exists and that not all reviews and ratings are realistic. Clearly, in the case of this game, unsuspecting parents could buy this game for Christmas and be very incredulous when their kid trades it to a 4-year old for a bag of M&Ms.

So consider yourself warned. Caveat emptor (but this time not from the sellers).

Incidentally, if you are actually interested in this type of game, Astragon has released over a dozen other simulators, ranging from Garden Simulator, Bus Simulator 2, and Pro Fishing, to Surgery Simulator. Have Fun!

Insight and longevity.

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