Monday, October 29, 2012

'Persecuted' is an Overused Word in Modern Times

'Sup? Hoping hurricane Sandy loses steam before reaching Canada

Music: Eyes Wide Open by Gotye

These days it seems everyone feel persecuted, even those who have no reason to. Or perhaps the word has just become overused and people have forgotten what it really means. After all, how can someone belonging to a group with over a billion members worldwide, who controls the dominant Western governments, still feel they're being persecuted? Is it because they no longer have the freedom to excercise the bigotted parts of their beliefs?

While there are numerous examples of this in recent times, I'm specifically referring to the following article where a Christian couple who run a B&B refused full and equal service to a gay couple.

They owners recently lost the court case against them and they are quoted as saying:

"Naturally, my husband and I are disappointed to have lost the case and to have been ordered to pay £3,600 in damages for injury to feelings. We have the option to appeal, and we will give that serious consideration. We believe a person should be free to act upon their sincere beliefs about marriage under their own roof without living in fear of the law. Equality laws have gone too far when they start to intrude into a family home."

There are so many things wrong with their statement that's it's hard to begin. So consider this: a hypothetical religion that preaches hatred against some group--say, the elderly. Should its members then be allowed to discriminate because their religion says they can? Of course not. They must still act within the dictates of the society they live it. This is the fundamental reason we have separation of church and state in modern western countries--so that all members of the state are respected by the laws, and not just those people who subscribe to a specific theistic belief system

I do admit to being torn about this story in one regard. It's hard not to feel that businesses should be allowed to deal with whomever they want and live or die by their racist, bigotted views. After all, should people not vote with their wallets? Well, no. Businesses should not be above the law that the rest of us are subject to, nor should they be allowed to set public policy, which is exactly what would happen if they could choose which part of society they sell to.

And make no mistake, despite their claims otherwise, this couple are running a business. I think we all realize that's what a Bed and Breakfast is. So, for many reasons, to allow this couple to cry foul on ground of freedom of religion is ludicrous at best, and harmful to society at its worst.

Insight and longevity.

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