Monday, November 12, 2012

Impressions of Novacon 42

'Sup? Back and ready to get going.

Music: La Isla Bonita performed by Alizee

Back late yesterday from Novacon 42. My third Novacon in the five years I've been in England and a relaxing, enjoyable experience.

The Novacons are run by the Birmingham SF group and are held each November in Nottingham. They are small affairs with a single stream of discussions that combine literature, science and, what else?, beer. There's also a deal room and an art show, and a few off-stream events.

As one might expect at a smaller con, Novacon has a bit of a clichy feel to it. Many of the attendees are long time SF con-goers and have known each other for sometime. But that's not to say they aren't friendly, and I had a number of enjoyable discussions over the weekend.

Other than the program, however, my principle focus at Novacon is the art show, which was ably run this year, as with most others, by Serena Culfeather and her husband John. Unlike Eastercon, Novacon is short and sweet, lasting essentially one full day plus bits on either site. The art is shown for one full day with an auction at noon on the Sunday.

I missed Novacon last year, as I was recovering from ACL surgery, but this year I brought a suitcase of stuff down, including canvas prints, framed prints, acrylic pictures, snow globes and a mug with heat-sensitive colouring (when filled with hot water, a picture shows on the outside). While I had hoped some of the acrylic desk pictures might sell (but didn't) I was none-the-less pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the auction, which saw the sale of one canvas (Urban Future: Aliens), one framed picture (Gaia), a snowglobe (Gaia), and the mug (The Devil's in the Details).

The result, after what must have been some interesting bidding, was my best showing since I started selling my art. I understand a big part of that was due to the Ternents, who bought several of my pieces, and I'd like to thank them deeply for their support.

So ends Novacon 42 and it's already time to start planning for next year and Eastercon 64. It's right next door in Bradford, so I have no excuse not to exhibit there. And, as always, I've been inspired to get my online art prescence properly sorted out. Again. But this time I'll do it. Really.

Insight and longevity.

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