Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Janet Jackson Superbowl 'Wardrobe Malfunction' Revisited.

'Sup? Raging against social insanity

Music: Just Dance by Lady Gaga

This time of year always brings me 'round to thinking about religion in all its craziness. For some reason this time I was thinking about how religion breed prudishness and just why would a universe-spanning omnipotence care whether we sleep with someone we're not married to, run around naked, or show a woman's nipple in public. The last, of course (?!), relates directly to that infamous 2004 superbowl event that has now been consigned to history. Yes, Janet Jackson's infamous 'wardrobe malfunction'.

Just to recap: during the finale of her superbowl show with Justin Timberlake, he sang 'I'll have you naked by the end of this song', then pulled off part of her jacket revealling a pastied breast. Regardless of the fact that the nipple was almost impossible to see even in the video, prudes and religious right all across America freaked. Like, in a big way. And, as has become all to common latsely, the media completely dropped the ball by playing along (oh for news shows with some metaphorical cajones).

Now, I'm not here to resurrect a nine year old controversy. What I am going to do is point out something that I don't recall was discussed in the fervorous hubbub of moral indignation. Namely, gender equality.

You see, given the type of music and the show (which I had never watched before) I was curious about something. Were there any male nipples showing?

That's right, in this age of gender equality and feminism, surely male nipples must be equal to female nipples in their shamefulness (or, more realistically, their lack thereof).

So I dug up the video on YouTube (trivial to find, so check it yourself) and watched it. LO, what did I find. Not one male nipple, but FOUR!! That's right, for the entire song, TWO men dance shirtless. THE SHAME!!! Four male nipples on display for the entire show, and one incredibly brief glimpse of a female nipple gets all the attention.

If that's not a dispicable example of gender inequality, I don't know what is. Why is it that women get all the pleasure of watching bare male chests, but we males are robbed of this, or made to feel like perverts for wanted to see female flesh? It's dispicable.


Or at least reason.

Insight and longevity.

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