Sunday, November 14, 2010

successful Novacon 40

I'm just back from Novacon 40 at the Park Inn, Nottingham. This is my second Novacon and, as with the last, it was a relaxing conference with a comfortable schedule almost completely opposite of the hectic Eastercons. Even more surprising, due to the relatively small scale, this year there were close to a dozen top-level authors in attendance. This lead, inevitably, to some very interesting and often humourous panel sessions. Arguably one of the most enlightening sessions discussed realistic apocalypse scenarios and included two con members who work in emergence response planning.

The conference was also successful for me. Last year at Novacon 39 was the first time I had publicly exhibited artwork and I managed to sell 2 pieces (Alien Seashore and Alone). Eastercon 2010, despite having more people, was less successful for me. So I went into Novacon 40 trying to learn from my past experience and was cautiously optimistic. I brought with me eight pieces and managed to sell four (Showdown, Aliens, Looking In, Full Steam Ahead), surpassing my total previous sales! All of these images will be posted on my Deviant Art ( and Artwanted ( portfolios shortly and will be available for purchase from the Artwanted site.