Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting the word out

A short note today.

As I'm notoriously bad at networking, I always keep my ear open for useful information from those that aren't. Here then, are a few links useful for making your 'brand' (better get used to the term and what it means if you want to be an author) known.
A book promotion company who also have a lot of good marketing/promotion tips posted on their site.
Another site with a lot of info regarding book/author promotion

Here is also an interesting article about something I've just heard of:

First an aspiring author went direct to the publisher. Now they need an agent. Soon they will likely need an agent's 'agent', or a book / manuscript promoter. I suspect this will be the big new entry into the world of writing in the next few years, as it becomes harder and harder interest agents in a manuscript due to sheer numbers (the bar keeps getting higher). These people are experts at writing query letters/packages. They know how to 'sell' your manuscript to agents (in the sense of getting an agent to want to read it--you still have to have a good manuscript to actually sell it).

The world of writing and publishing continues to change and it's important to stay on top of it and know who else you need to know. We now have to do our own marketing as well as writing, so why not take every advantage you can?
