Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Breakthroughs in One Week!!

One of the many positive fallouts for me, regarding Eastercons, is the renewed interest and focus on my works that I gain. Often this takes the form of mentally digging out some of my older, unfinished, pieces that I've been stuck on and thinking through them again with the goal of getting back to what I'm most interested in, instead of sidetracking myself with other projects.

This year, such renewed attention paid some nice dividends for both a short story and a novel. Without giving too much detail away (you'll have to wait until their published!):

For the short story, in the alternate future genre, I always had an opening page that I quite liked. It set the tone, setting, characters and conflict up well... I just didn't know where it should go from there. This was two years ago now, and finally after Eastercon this year I revisted the story only to hit upon the perfect theme. I even know the ending. Now it just remains to finish writing the thing.

With another long standing novel project, a fairly far future of humanity tale, the 'eureka' moment wasn't as story breaking as with above, but it was significant. With my novels, bits and pieces often fall into place over long periods of time. And this was no different (truth be told, I started this story in 2003!). One small part of the story revolves around a true AI (AGI = artificial general intelligence). I had a backstory and had even written the scene describing the meeting of the AGI with the protagonist. Only... I wasn't conviced. I couldn't justify why my AGI was doing what it was doing. Even to me, my explanation seemed lame at best and cliche at worst. But finally, in the week after Eastercon, the pieces came together and I came up with what I think is an interesting, credible reason that fits well with the backstory.

Two story problems resolved in one week. Thank you Eastercon (and thank you family, for giving my some piece by visiting the inlaws that week). They're little victories, but they're still victories.

Insight and longevity.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Eastercon Blog-a-day 4: Debut Authors

Day 4, the final day of Eastercon 2013. There wasn't much interesting on the final day, so rather than the hastle of dragging my luggage, and all my artwork, around for the sake of seeing one panel discussion, I left for home early.

Those of you who are particular astute ( ;-) ) will notice that I'm writing this from a little in the future, as I found myself unable to properly complete my 1-a- day blogs from Eastercon. The benefit of time and separation, however, is clarity and, in this particular case, the clarity of knowing which part of the 2013 Eastercon experience stayed with me the most.

Overall, the 2013 Eastercon was a much more positive experience than I had anticipated going in to it. On the personal side, I feel I cracked the art show wall by managed to sell four of my desktop acrylics (more sales than my previous total combined sales at the last four Eastercons). My Eastercon showings in the future will, therefore, consist of a few canvases with mainly small 3D artwork like desktop acrylics, magic mugs, laptop skins, etc. I have also begun to feel a little more like I belong. this may sound weird to anyone who's not attended a con, but they do come across as a bit cliche-ey, which is even more off-putting for an introvert like myself. But I think largely due to feeling more a part of the artshow, I came away with a sense that I'm starting to belong to this Eastercon thing. Now, if only there was a way of socializing at these things that didn't involve alcohol.

Overall, however, the most positive single feature of the Eastercon for me was the debut author panel moderated by Bella Pagan (commissioning Editor of Tor UK). Put a group of five authors who have recently had their first novel published, in a room with an audience full of hopefuls and there's got to be a positive vibe. Even moreso since I've known of several of the debut authors for a few years now. To see them finally get their work out there was a very positive experience.

For the record, and because you should read their stuff (I am), the debut authors and their books are:

Francis Knight: Fade to Black (Orbit Books)

Stephanie Saulter: Gemsigns (Jo Fletcher Books)

Emma Newman: Between Two Thorns (Angry Robot)

Adrian Faulkner: The Four Realms (Anarchy Books)

Naomi Foyle: Seoul Survivors (Jo Fletcher Books)

Even now, weeks after Eastercon, I'm still left with the afterglow of that event. Things I've learned or had reconfirmed from listening to the authors are:

1) the notion of the 10 year 'overnight' success. i.e no one is really an overnight success. Everyone has worked hard and paid their dues.

2) There is no secret to cracking the market except writing a good book. Which often means writing a lot of mediocre ones first.

3) There are no shortcuts, but there are many different paths to full authorhood (and self-published fiction still doesn't count. Hint: generally much worse editing/critiquing than traditional published work).

But the best advice I came away with regarding my own career was to (1) have a plan. This includes not only structure for writing, but specifically, a plan of attack, so to speak, for your approach to getting published. I could simply be to shop the story around for 2 years and then self-publish if unsuccessful at getting an agent. Or it could be to start on the next book while shopping the first around. I could be to network like crazy, because word of mouth still works. Whatever it is, you need a plan. Number (2) comes about naturally from the other points mentioned. Namely, work on a project you believe in. Because you're not going to want to put in the kind of time and energy required if you don't believe in what you're writing.

So, largely because of this Eastercon, I've had my interest and focus renewed. Moreover, it's convinced me to approach my writing with a purpose, a structure, and specific goals.

Now to get to it.

Insight and longevity.

Eastercon Blog-a-day 3: Art show

Day 3 of Eastercon 2013 and the main event (for me) is the art show. If you're a connie and haven't seen it... why not?

A nice show this year. Not quite as many biggies as there have been in recent past shows, but some nice work on display nevertheless. Personal favourites at the show were Jim Burns, Andy Bigwood and Chris 'Fangorn' Baker, but there were many others worth mention also.

The auction is held from noon 'til 2pm Sunday and, after the first year, I haven't attended. Maybe it's a case of nerves, maybe I just prefer knowing all the details at once so the excitement or disappointment is over quick, like ripping a bandage off.

Since I'd not sold much in the previous Eastercons, I changed strategy this year. With all the big name competition for selling canvases at this particular con, I decided to focus my attention on smaller items. This year it was desktop acrylic pics. There are several companies that make them and they turn out quite nice. I brought nine different images and set them at the take-home price of £15.

Checking back after the post-auction chaos had settled, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that four of them had sold. Even more pleasant was the knowledge that three of them had multiple bids. This latter bit, for me, is the real measure of worth because it means there's not just someone buying a piece on a whim, but people are actually willing to compete for it.

So, until my artwork becomes more well know at least, I think I've developed a useful strategy for selling at Eastercon. Now it's just up to me to keep learning, improving and making quality pieces that are interesting and inspiring.

Insight and longevity.