Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Taking stock as Q4 approaches

I guess I should stop saying 'it's been a while since the last update' since that seems to be the perpetual state this year. I was kicked out of my routine early this year by medical issues and haven't succeeded in returning to it yet. As it's so easy to become caught up in the negative, I've decided to focus on the positive, on what I have accomplished for the year so far, and what I plan to accomplish in the next few months.

So, although I've had to re-evaluate some of my goals for the year, I am still on track for others.

1) Script Writing
I finished, revised and sent off my first complete script to the BBC in June, received the acknowledgement card a week later and have been waiting since then (possibly 6 more weeks to wait). In the meantime, I've come up with the basic stories for the next three scripts in my 2-year plan and I'm brainstorming the one I plan to finish for year's end (submitting it after I hear back from the first one).

2) Reading
My goal was to read at least one book a month--often challenging while trying to keep up with my vast number of other interests. Still, so far I have managed to average at least one book read per month (not including graphic novels, scripts, anthology edits, and manuscripts). The latest book, and older one by Roger Zelazny called 'Eye of Cat' will be particularly useful with the background in the novel I'm currently working on.

3) Blogging
This has been a mixed success. I managed to initiate a regular blog for Utility Fog Press (Utility Fog Blog) with three other writer/editors and there were regular entries for a while, however, it has slowed now and the last entry was in July! There are only two of us now doing anything regular with it so it--so if anyone reading this is interested, let me know (and send your writing/publishing background)

As for this blog, it's obviously been less than regular. A priority, post-knee surgery, will be to arrange the management of my internet resources much better, including websites and blogs, hopefully even setting up some for bringing in affiliate money.

4) Novel Writing
This is the goal that has suffered the most. I have been unable to get myself into a regular writing routine and even abandoned the revision of a novel--although that was because I felt I had learned as much as I could from it, and it would take more time to get it where I wanted it than I was willing to spend. It sounds like I abandoned the novel when the going got tough, but I don't believe that's so. This was never 'that' novel, whereas I have at least 4 others that are and I just got antsy wanting to work on them everytime I started on the other.

But, on the positive note, I have started formally compiling world info for two of the novels and have decided which one I will focus my energy on now. The current goal is to rework the first four chapters, and build the history, for the end of the year and then go full on next year, to finish draft 1 by the end of Q1.

5) Publishing
No new anthologies for Utility Fog Press this year--well, one that I requested submissions for, but is not going anywhere. I have, however, learned a lot about compiling epub e-books and have, finally, put together the e-books for Farspace 2 and Assassins' Canon, which are now available on Apple ibookstore and

Also, I have some plans for a new anthology (for next year) and a regular multimedia event.

So, all-in-all, not a stellar year, but not a complete waste so far. Some failings, but enough successes to be reasonably happy (I've also managed to improve my Starcraft 2 ladder ranking significantly over season 1--I'm out of bronze league--drop me a e-mail if you want to play). Now I just have to get back to the writing!